water-skiing an anti-social pastime?? i do believe its actually a sport..in fact a watersport!
we all have stories of idiots on the water..eg windsurfers cutting me up whilst approaching my mooring, two sailing yachts going pst fwd and aft one catching my anchor rope the other taking my lines?? yes i had an anchor ball displayed and was in the middle of morecambe bay and yes they had there autopilots on with no-one on lookout! probably in the cabin making a cup of tea???
,yes i've had fast fishers nearly collide with me..but these are incidents that have come about through lack of competence and lack of guidance! so as i said at the start of this thread-
EDUCATION IS WHAT'S REQUIRED NOT EXCLUSION if the majority is labelled with the minority as a club we will fail.
RIBC is a family orientated club, with first class social activities. is mentioned on the home page as a welcome to other water sport users! with the attitude of classing certain types of watersports as 'anti-social' just because of isolated incidents, who would want to join the club??